When you order 20 lbs or more of any 1lb, 5lb, or 25lb size products. 40lb to 50lb sizes not included
* When you order 20 lbs or more of any 1lb, 5lb, or 25lb size products. 40lb to 50lb sizes not included

Soil Sampling! What Is It and How Do You Do It?


Soil Sampling! What Is It and How Do You Do It?

Soil sampling isn't just for big farms! It's for everyone who wants to grow plants in the ground! Soil testing can highlight deficient nutrients, give fertilization recommendations based on your crop, warn you of the presence of heavy metals (i.e. lead), and give you liming recommendations. If you have a lawn, garden, or food plot and you haven't taken a soil sample, now is a great time to learn at very little expense! Click here for an article from the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension to learn more about this topic!