As a seed company, we understand the importance of high quality seed for your operation. Our experienced agronomists select only the best quality alfalfas, forage grasses, grains, and seed mixtures for your farm business needs.
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Tools & Guides
What Causes Winterkill of Alfalfa?
December 7, 2017
...and what are your forage alternatives if it happens?
Use of Brassica Crops to Extend the Grazing Season
December 6, 2017
A great article from the USDA and Pennsylvania State University on brassica crops to consider for extended production.
Growing Double Crop Forages after Small Grains
December 5, 2017
This article from the University of Wisconsin highlights ideas for double cropping a forage after a small grain crop.
Farming is defined as the activity or business of growing crops and raising livestock.