When you order 20 lbs or more of any 1lb, 5lb, or 25lb size products. 40lb to 50lb sizes not included
* When you order 20 lbs or more of any 1lb, 5lb, or 25lb size products. 40lb to 50lb sizes not included

Use of Brassica Crops to Extend the Grazing Season


Use of Brassica Crops to Extend the Grazing Season

Have you ever considered extending your grazing season or forage production with alternative annual crops? A great, cool-season family of plants to consider are brassicas! Click here to read a great article on this subject based on joint research from the USDA and Pennsylvania State University. 

Article prepared by Marvin H. Hall, assistant professor of agronomy, and Jerry Jung, adjunct professor of agronomy at Pennsylvania State University.