FORAGE FOCUS - Cows (Livestock)
Discover the best forages for cows to maintain a healthy, productive herd. Our comprehensive guide covers recommended species, putting together a year-round forage plan, and quality analyses.
Explore the best forage options and pasture management practices to ensure the health and productivity of your flock in our comprehensive sheep forage guide.
As a horse owner, it's important to understand the significance of forages in your horse's diet. Horses are naturally grazing animals, and forages play a vital role in meeting their nutritional requirements. Our Forage Focus guide covers all you need to know.
Legumes and grass forages are essential to a balanced chicken ration, with many benefits. DCS talks about the advantages, ideal forages for your birds, quality parameters, and the difference in quality between pasture and hay.
How to Scout For Alfalfa Weevil
Alfalfa weevil constitute a significant threat to alfalfa crops, so scouting for larvae early in the season is critical to avoid losing your crop. Learn when and how to scout effectively and how to control an infestation.
How and When to Cut Your Forage Crops
Different forage crops have different harvesting times and cutting heights. Deer Creek Seed has all the information you need on how and when to cut your forage crops for optimal yield and nutrition.
Nutrient Stratification in Soils
Nutrient stratification has gained considerable traction in the news and ag circles over the last few years. Deer Creek Seed explains what it is, how it occurs, and whether or not you should be concerned.
Corn Planting Basics
The experts at Deer Creek Seed have all the information you need for planting and growing corn in your garden this summer! Plus some tips and tricks for a better harvest.
How To Build a Sustainable Farm Plan
Interested in building a sustainable farm plan that will help you maximize yields and profit while protecting the environment? Deer Creek Seed will help walk you through different ways to bring sustainability to your farm.
How to Reduce Alfalfa Heaving
Alfalfa heaving goes hand in hand with spring frost-heave cycles and can cause significant damage to your stand. Deer Creek Seed has all the information you need on alfalfa heave!